星期一, 5月 03, 2010

使用 PSAS 及 QPST 備份及還原手機設定

A688 這隻手機主要的設定是存在 NV Items 中, 但是QPST備份的 NV Items 並不完整,所以需要借助 PSAS 這套軟體來幫忙備份和還原 NV Items

A688 設定檔備份: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JIHH0ZJQ

A688 Setting Files:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JIHH0ZJQ

修改 IMEI(Modify IMEI)

上面的檔案我把 IMEI 修改了,所以是假的 IMEI,要用上面的檔案還原的話需要將 IMEI 改成你的手機的 IMEI

Before you restore the setting file, you need modify the IMEI in NVList.nvr file. The NVList.nvr file contains a fake IMEI, and you need to change the to your IMEI.

1. 使用 MadEdit 或是 UltraEdit 開啟 NVList.nvr 搜尋 “1A 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF” 這個假的 IMEI 碼,然後將他改成你的 IMEI

1.Using MadEdit or UltraEdit opens the NVList.nvr, and search the “1A 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF” (The fake IMEI.)


2. 在修改得時候要注意這裡的 IMEI 和實際看到的 IMEI 不相同,是兩個數字為一組互相交換, 開頭第一的位數會是 ‘A’(交換後是在第二位數)

2.The IMEI which stores in the NVList.nvr is different from real IMEI that you see in your mobile. In order to caluator the IMEI, you should swap the high digit and low digit. In addition, you need fill ‘A’ in the first digit.


  3 58 98 10 03 20 23 21   real IMEI

A3 58 98 10 03 20 23 21   real IMEI
3A 85 89 01 30 02 32 12   in Hex Editor


  1 32 54 76 98 BA DC EF  real IMEI
A1 32 54 76 98 BA DC EF  real IMEI
1A 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF in Hex Editor

安裝驅動程式(Setup environment)

1. 開機到 Recovery Mode, 關機並且拔掉 USB 連線同時按下 [Sound Up] + [Camera] + [Power]開機

1. Reboot your mobile to recovery mode, turn off your mobile, and unplug the usb cable. Hold on the [Sound Up] + [Camera] + [Power] to reboot to recovery mode

2. 連接 USB , 依照提示安裝驅動程式, 驅動程式的安裝路徑請指定到 A688_Tools\RUT\Driver\AndroidX32(AndroidX64)

2. Plug-in USB cable, and setup the drivers of mobile. (The drivers contain in the A688_Tools\RUT\Driver\AndroidX32(AndroidX64) folder)

3. 應該會看到 Diagnostics over Android 和 FTM over Android 這兩項

3. You will see Diagnostics over Android and FTM over Android in the device manager.


PS. 注意若是 A688 420 的 Rom 可能不會出現這兩個裝置, 請使用 fastboot 模式刷舊版的 recovery mode 然後從第一步開始

4. 安裝 PSAS (http://psas.revskills.de/?q=node/6)

4. Download and setup PSAS from http://psas.revskills.de/?q=node/6

5. 啟動 PSAS, 選擇 [Hardware Forensics]=>[Use Mobile Ports]

5. Execute PSAS, and select [Hardware Forensics]=>[Use Mobile Ports]


6. 選擇 Diagnostics over Android 所在的 Port,通常他會自動找到所以可以不用選

6. Select the port of Diagnostics over Android


7. 到 [Codes(QC)] 按下 Send SPC, 將手機解鎖

7. Goto [Codes(QC)] tab, and push the [Send SPC] button


使用 PSAS 備份 NV Items (Using PSAS to backup NV Items)

1. 到 [Diag Port(QC)]=>[Backup NVItems(Binary)]然後按下 [Lets go],

這樣就會開始備份 NV Items 了

1. Goto [Diag Port(QC)]=>[Backup NVItems(Binary)], and push [Lets go] button.


2. 選擇要存放備份檔案的路徑,輸入完檔名就按下存檔就可以了

2. Select the location of backup file, and push save button.


3. 備份結束

3. The result of backup


使用 PSAS 還原 NV Items (Using PSAS to restore NV Items)

1. 到 [Diag Port(QC)]=>[Restore NVItems(Binary)]然後按下 [Lets go],

這樣就會開始還原 NV Items 了

1. Goto [Diag Port(QC)]=>[Restore NVItems(Binary)], and push [Lets go] button.


2. 選擇要還原的檔案

2. Select the file which you want to restore.


3. 成功結束還原 NV Items

3. The result of restore


使用 QPST 備份手機設定(Using QPST to backup mobile setting)

1. 安裝 QPST, 這軟體有版權所以就要自己私下尋找了

1. Download and setup the QPST by yourself.

2. 啟動 QPST 在 Ports 中點選[Add New Port]

2. Execute QPST, and push [Add New Port] button in Ports tab.


3. 輸入 Diagnostics over Android 所在的 Port

3. Input the port of Diagnostics over Android


4. 點選[Start Clients]=>[SERVICE PROGRAMMING]

4. Click [Start Clients]=>[SERVICE PROGRAMMING]


5. 點選[OK]

5. Click [OK]


6. 點選 [Read from Phone]

6. Click [Read from Phone]


7. 點選 [OK]

7. Click [OK]


8. 點選[Save to File]

8. Click [Save to File]


9. 選好存檔的位置,然後按下存檔,這樣就備份好了

9. Select the location of backup file, and push save button.


使用 QPST 還原手機設定(Using QPST to restore mobile setting)

1. 跟備份相同差別在第6步要選[Load from File]

1. Reference step 1~5 in “Using QPST to backup mobile setting”, and push  [Load from File] button in step 6.


2. 選擇要還原的檔案並按下[開啟]

2. Select location of restore file, and push open button


3. 按下 [Write to Phone]把資訊寫到手機裡

3. Click [Write to Phone] to write setting to mobile
